Planting Ceremony / Ryuhoku Elementary School

Ryuhoku public elementary school is the first participants of project that planted “Bombed Kaki Tree Jr.” in their school in March 5th, 1999.
Ms. Yuko Hatakeyama, a teacher who saw an article on the newspaper and 16 students of third grade wanted to raise a kaki tree. Their wish was made come true when the tree-planting ceremony, “meet the KAKI”, was held.
They named one kaki tree as “Kaki-Kaki-kun”, and the other as “Yume-Kaki-chan”. Kaki-Kaki-kun means bombed kaki tree and its junior. And they placed their hopes in Yume-Kaki chan. (Yume means dream in Japanese.)

At the same time, Miyajima and students held a workshop to think about Kaki tree in 10years later. L.E.D. digits attached to drawings that Miyajima drew and each students signature on two of those. They adjusted speed of clock by their own, and promised they will adjust another when they will meet again someday.

They kept in touch even after “Bombed Kaki Tree Jr.” was planted. They formed executive committee of Kaki tree project and continued until they graduated. They said “We would kept raising them and watch it.” or “When something bad happened, we remember Kaki Tree and got over it.”

In August 19th 2006, 10th anniversary ceremony, “The Harvest of Kaki” was held. Miyajima, Dr. Ebinuma, teachers, 13students, and people who involved the project were reunited under the Kaki Trees. Finally, they completed the drawing by adjusting the speed of clock. They celebrate their growing and reunion with putting red L.E.D. lights on kaki trees as well. It was like A Christmas tree in midsummer.
Unfortunately, the school was closed in March 2001. But kaki trees were moved to the park next to school. And their memory still with the kaki trees.
10th Anniversary /Former Ryuhoku Elementary School


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