Planting Ceremony / The Earth Centre

The earth centre in England inquired about the project in 1997. They saw Miyajima’s exhibition in that they informed about kaki tree project in London and applied for it. The earth centre was still under contemplation to build at Doncaster in England. They were going to build Children’s forest inside of a theme park that provides a chance to watch nature. Ms. Susanna Robinson, who was the staff of the earth centre project and applied for the kaki tree project, understood the meaning of the project well. She proposed some plans to make children concern with kaki trees. For insistence, organizing a tour to see the tree and talk about the how and why the tree comes from among the participants after plant the kaki tree. A lot of discussions with member of committee were held in London and many opinions were exchanged by sending fax through two years until the centre was built.

Finally, 6th March 1999, the kaki tree was planted at the earth centre. Mr. Terry Gifford, a poet, held the performance by reading aloud the poet with rhythm of the rap with children and citizens who gathered for the ceremony. They recited his poetry all together by following Mr. Gifford said “kaki tree”, ”kaki tree”, “Growing up the kaki tree” with swinging. However the content of the poetry was serious, pleading the significance of raising the kaki tree by them, children loved to participate to the performance because of unique style of the rap.
Although the day they planted kaki tree was so cold, children who read the poetry loudly with swinging warmed up the planting ceremony.


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