Liceo Scientifico Statale “Guglielmo Marconi” Planting Ceremony

Then, Dr. Ebinuma’s message was read out, and another presentation on the “Kaki Tree Project” by the students was given. There was a talk on the Yugoslavian War during the 1990s by Mr. Milka as well.

They put a signboard on a big stone and placed it beside the tree.

When they put a wreath made of white flowers and tied a white ribbon to the tree, it drew loud cheers from other students who were watching from the window. That was the end of the planting.

Then, they went back to the auditorium and listened to the report of the Roots and Wings network and a singing performance with guitar and flute. Female students showed their skill of rhythmic gymnastics ribbon, and male students sang a song. Finally, everyone got together surrounding the performers and closed the three-hour long planting event with big cheers.

They will take care of the tree in cooperation with the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Foggia.


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