Planting Ceremony / Northwest High School

Northwest High School is located in Germantown, which is 45 minutes by car from Washington D.C. The persimmon tree was planted in the front yard of the media center of the school. The school is still quite new, this is their 3rd year. Peace club, one of the school’s extracurricular activities, is very unique compared to other club activities in the world. This time the project was realized because the club advisor was very keen on it but the planning of the project was run voluntarily, lead by the peace club students and PTA.

At the ceremony, the students orchestra played Symphony No.1(In Memoriam, Dresden, 1945) by an American composer, Daniel Bukvich. The symphony is about the fierce bombing attacks on Dresden, Germany at the end of the Second World War. It is considered to be a very difficult piece for high school students, however, they chose this piece because they understood the background of the project. They also sang Kimigayo, Japan’s national anthem, in chorus and there was the Color Guard parade as well.

As they planted the tree, Annie Albagli’s mother recited a message. Participants all held hands with each other in the moonlight, surrounded the persimmon tree and appealed that “We are one.” It was just like a beautiful painting. A very pure and heavenly ceremony.


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