Planting Ceremony / Adam Riese School

Mr. Udo Mohrstedt, who runs a solar power company, applied for tree planting in July 2000. For 2 years we communicated with each other so that the background of the Kaki Tree Project was fully understood. After repeated negotiations with the local elementary schools, Mr. Udo succeeded to have Adam Riese School to understand the project and tree planting was finally realized after 3 years. Teachers of various subjects at the elementary school created a persimmon week in their classes and prepared for the tree planting ceremony.
At the tree planting ceremony, children of the Adam Riese School did a performance which they had rehearsed for this day. Everyone who participated in the event was very much moved and the ceremony was just wonderful.
Tree planting was carried out in the time of the Iraq crisis, under threat of the Iraq war. Both teachers and pupils understood the project very well and everyone strongly wished for peace under such circumstances.
Later we heard from them that the tree grew steadily and borne fruit in 2008.


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