Planting Ceremony / Levante Park

Cesenatico is the located by the Adriatic Sea in Emilia-Romagna, Italy. ADDA, an organization formed by foreign women who acts for cultural exchange in Cesenatico, proposed for planting kaki trees. The project started with searching participants or place to plant. It finally formed the Executive Committee which consisted by teachers or artists.

A lot of citizens, including the city mayor attended the ceremony at the park because of member’s effort. Children read poems from different languages by the overture by Ms. Olga Nawacow. And flew the orange balloons. Following the planting trees, a sculpture of Bombed Kaki Tree Jr. by Mr.Giovanni Pintole was revealed. In addition, the works by Ms. Isabel Samanez and children were exhibited. Dances, music and songs from Japan, Korea, or Senegal were performed. Those things made the event more international and fun.


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