Planting Ceremony / Trevignano Middle High School

In the city, Trevignano Romano, there are many foreigners from different countries. Since they are curious about each other’s culture, the city government established national days for international exchanges.

Mr.Giuliano Nencini, who was in charge for culture in the city office, applied for planting kaki trees. And Ms.Shihomi Kishida, a Japanese women who lives in Trevignano Romano and her family organized ceremony,

The day of planting ceremony was regarded as Japan day. About 300 people including students and their parents planted trees at the front yard of junior high school in the city centre. Although it had been raining so hard, the sun came up just before the ceremony. The big drawing of kaki trees and a sculpture that represent hope for peace by students were shown at the ceremony. In addition to a sculpture, some photographs of sculptures given from around the world from Peace Memorial Park in Nagasaki. Moreover, booklets about Japan were given out, and the works by students were exhibited at the theater which organized by Professer, Maria Grazia Carcani.

The Japanese Embassy sent a message and pencils as gifts for children for the ceremony. While Ms.Sara Kishida was playing the violin, the girl with wearing a crown made by flowers read the planting.

However a tree grew one fruit in 2002, both trees died down in 2004. But someone planted another kaki tree (not bombed tree) and people are taking care of it, as it is “Kaki Tree from Nagasaki”


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