Planting Ceremony / Franklin park Conservatory

A member of Columbus Arts Council saw the exhibition at Venice Biennale and applied for planting. The Columbus Arts Council has been developing the program, ”Children of the Future”, which is for children who are not given enough education. The members decided to let them participate planting as a part of the program.

This town became the first town that plants kaki trees in U.S. There are many Japanese people living in this town. They created Ikebana and origami with showing how to create it, and held Japanese style dinner with sushi. In addition to that, Some Americans played Japanese drums.

In 28th March 2001, The Birthday Party for Kaki Trees was held according to will to keep holding some workshops for the project even after planting from those who participated the planting ceremony.

And in 2008, we received beautiful photographs of fruits of kaki and its leaves.


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