Planting Ceremony / G.Mazzini Elementary School

Terni is the central city of Terni prefecture in Umbria state where has beautiful scenery of greens at Middle of Italy. “Gli altri siamo Noi” is the organization which intends children for educational activities about peace, charity and human rights, formed in 1998 by young people. One of the organizations saw the exhibition at Venice Biennale and applied for planting. According to that, Ms.Valeria Della Croce, a member of “Gli altri siamo Noi” encouraged the city government to support the project. As the result, it was decided to plant kaki trees at public elementary school.

Until the ceremony, students created many drawings and sculptures about kaki trees, peace, and the war with collaborating artists. They also performed in chorus and playing music of messages for peace at the ceremony. Moreover, Theatrical Company Pino read a story, a group of Japanese students who study at G.Briccialdi performed playing piano and sang a song. The next day, April 1st, a parade for wishing for peace started from plaza of city. During the parade, the performance by street performers from Artioscene, playing ethnic music by some group, and appeal for peace by “Gli altri siamo Noi” were shown. A lot of citizens participated the parade. In 24th May, about two month later, the event “KAKI Festival” was held and many works were created for that as well.


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