Planting Ceremony / Collection Lambert en Avignon

The Kaki Tree Project took part in the “Donaiyanen” exhibition in Paris in 1998 and “Akimahen” exhibition in Lille in 2004. Mr. Eric Mezil was the person who organized these exhibitions. He is now the director of the Collection Lambert and the museum took a lead in finding another foster parent within the city for the seedling, and they decided Ecole Primaire Saint-Gabriel to be the planting site as well. Originally, the tree planting at the museum was scheduled during the coming “Eejanaika” exhibition, however, it was postponed in accordance with the planned tree planting ceremony at the primary school so that the tree would be planted in the premises of the museum at the same as the primary school.

Under the clear blue sky, the ceremony was held. Inside the museum building, artworks created during the workshop prior to the ceremony were displayed and they decorated the museum gate, trees and other places with notes with peace messages written on them. Children wore persimmon leaves made of cloth and the plates inscribed with letters in regard to peace and persimmon tree were displayed on the walls of the museum. About 150 people including children attended the ceremony and in the presence of Mr. Ebinuma the participants held orange and yellow-green balloons with which peace messages were tied and paraded around the museum together with the seedling. When they reached the planting site, children planted and covered the seedling with soil. After the tree planting, they released orange and yellow-green balloons into the sky and everybody put their persimmon origami and flowers around the seedling and placed flags in the surroundings. The site looked like a piece of installation work after all.


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