Planting Ceremony / Scuola Elementa Statale

As Cansorzio Travolo Della Pace Franciacorta – Monte Orfano took the lead in organizing, tree plantings at six municipalities in the Province of Brescia were realized. One of the sites was Scuola Elementare Statele in the city of Leno.

A welcoming mood was created at the primary school as they hung a big banner with a message “To the world without nuclear weapons” written on in Japanese and orange balloons from the ceiling as well as decorated with origami cranes. When Mr. Ebinuma and others arrived, children came out from the classroom with big art works that they made for this day and welcomed them in the schoolyard.

The tree planting ceremony started as neighbors and students from nearby middle school gathered in large numbers. First, the principal explained about the Kaki Tree Project and continued with a talk on the atomic bombing. As the Japanese song “Sakura Sakura” was played, guests were introduced. Then the Japanese national anthem “Kimigayo” and the Italian anthem were sung beautifully by children, which was followed by speeches given by the mayor of Leno and Mr. Ebinuma. When Mr. Ebinuma said during his speech that “Today is my birthday,” children immediately responded with a gift of the song “Happy Birthday.”
While the song “Imagine” was played, the tree planting took place and a lot of balloons were released into the sky. Primary school children read their poems and sang a number of songs. A few representatives of middle school students also read their poems and lastly, all the participants received origami cranes. They had a really great time at the ceremony.


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