10th Anniversary / Pretura’s Garden

On 25 March 2000, a kaki tree was planted in the courtyard of magistrate’s court in Carpi, Italy.

Then after ten years, on 8 May 2010, the 10th anniversary event of the planting was held and more than 200 children participated.
As the anniversary’s theme was “From roots to leaves,” children were regarded as “leaves” and their grandparents were “roots”, and they examined the connections between them. In class, children expressed the relationship with their grandparents freely on the drawing. All the drawings were put together into a book, thanks to the support of the Rotary Club Carpi, and the books were distributed to the participants of the anniversary event.
As for making works of art by children, Mr. Adolfo Lugli, local artist in Carpi, helped in planning and children enjoyed drawing, painting and writing poems at the workshop held after the anniversary ceremony. The works by children were pasted on the wall surrounding the garden and they were all around the grown kaki tree.


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