Primary School in Sopraponte, Gavardo Comprehensive School

Primary school in Sopraponte is one of the schools that belongs to the Comprehensive School in Gavardo, and the planting at the school was initiated by Ms. Nicoli Emilia, who initiated the planting at the secondary school in Gavardo, Brescia, as well. As a war-time command center was recently discovered in Gavardo, locals’ hope for peace is growing. Teachers also have strong aspirations to teach their pupils peace and ethnic friendship through the planting of the kaki tree.
The tree planting ceremony was held in the open space in front of the school building and kindergarten pupils were also invited.
The workshop mainly consisted of recorder and singing performances by primary school pupils in the upper grades, and there were “peace” poetry readings between musical performances. They played an Asian-style song with a Buddhist singing bowl and a gong, and many other lively songs. Reading the lyrics to the song “Imagine” by children while the song was played was quite impressive.
At the end of the workshop, they performed “Ode to Joy.” Lower primary pupils held and waved the Italian and Japanese flags while keeping the rhythm.
The tree was planted in the enclosed square flower garden, and adults carried out planting and tidied up afterwards. Then, many colorful balloons with messages were released into the sky to celebrate the planting.
Group photos were taken at the end.


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