Parco San Giovanni

San Giovanni Square was used to be occupied by residences but in 1908, a phychiatric hospital was built, which was administered first by the municipal office, the provincial government, then by the University of Trieste, and the square is now open to the public and serves the community. There is a rose garden with 5,000 varieties of roses where local children, and the elderly can relax and enjoy.
Ms. Tiziana Volta, editor of an Italian magazine called “Gardenia,” has applied for the plantings at Parco San Giovanni as well as Conservatorio Botanico della Valle d’Itria, Province of Brindisi, Italy, and the National Gallery in Kabul, Afghanistan.
About 30 people from the neighboring community attended the planting ceremony, and Ms. Tiziana made a speech, which was followed by a few more speeches made by the guests, then Dr. Ebinuma made a speech.
Afterward, the seedling of the bombed kaki tree was planted in the flower garden, which is located in the center of the square, about 2 meters in diameter and surrounded by white gravel. About 10 children took out the tree out of its pot and put soil over the tree roots with their bare hands. Finally, all the participants held hands with each other surrounding the kaki tree and delivered messages. The Kaki Tree Furoshiki was also presented.
After a girl made a speech, a Brazilian dance performance with strings and tambourines was held. Although the planting ceremony was held on a windy and chilly day, people from the local municipal and provincial offices as well as school will work in collaboration to take care of the tree.


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