Mr. Masao Kitazawa and Ms. Chiyoko Sano told us that the kaki trees had been growing well. The trees were planted on 13 March 1999 at the Finca de Osorio. There are many tiny buds on the trees, although they are not clearly visible in the photo.
Mr. Kitazawa has been living on the island for more than 20 years. When he met the trees by chance in November 2011, Mr. Manolo, who has been working at the community house for 25 years, told him about the trees. Mr. Kitazawa kindly offered us “Is there anything I can do?” and visit the trees every now and then and inform us how the trees are doing. In February 2012, he told us “There were many children around of the kaki trees, and the trees seemed to be happy surrounded by children.” Nature is well conserved in Osorio and the field surrounding the trees are filled with yellow and blue flowers. Thank you Mr. Kitazawa and Ms. Sano for your continuing support.