Mr. Rosario Scollo from Mirabella Imbaccari, Sicily, Italy came to Japan

Mr. Rosario Scollo from Mirabella Imbaccari, Sicily, Italy came to Japan and visited the Project’s head office in Moriya City. The planting took place on 26 April 2012 in Mirabella Imbaccari. Mr. Scollo told us about the planting ceremony in detail, and together we visited the kaki trees at the nearby Toride Daini Junior High School (planted on 20 February 2004) and Terahara Elementary School (planted on 12 February 2010). The trees have grown bigger, and the tree at the junior high school has already produced plenty of fruit that looked red, juicy and delicious. Mr. Scollo is responsible for SCI (Service Civil International) in the entire province of Catania. SCI is an international volunteer organization with branches in 44 countries around the globe. He told us that he hoped to promote the Kaki Tree Project not only in Italy but in other countries in the future.


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