“Ugolini” Primary School Tree Planting Ceremony
(Brescia, Brescia, Italy)

At “Ugolini” Primary School, the 5th graders are taking ‘peace’ themed classes during the 2012-13 academic year. During the process of learning, they observe 27 January, the Day of Remembrance (International Holocaust Remembrance Day – “COMMEMORA L’OLOCAUSTO PERPETRAO NEI CONFRONTI  DEGLI EBREI DURANTE LA SECONDA GUERRA MONDIALE in Italian) to think about the victims of the Holocaust during the World War II. At the same time, when they pass on the horrible  stories of the war, they also talk about the dropping of the first atomic bombs in Japan and its devastating aftermath. There is another day in Brescia for people to talk about peace: 28 May. A bombing incident took place in 1974 in a square in Brescia and took eight lives that were participating in a peace gathering.

These are the reasons why people there hope to plant the “concept of peace” through the ‘kaki tree.’

There were many people from the town gathered at the school.

After Ms. Rosa Scarpa, a teacher of the school who applied for the Project made a speech, they solemnly hoisted the Japanese and Italian flags in order while children played “Kimigayo” and the Italian National Anthem on the recorder under the direction of L’ASSOCIAZIONE  DEGLI  ALPINI. The children wore white and red clothes in honor of Hinomaru, the Japanese flag and sang cheerfully the Italian National Anthem.

Children representatives read their poems followed by speeches by Mr. Francesco Foletti and Dr. Ebinuma. Then the Kaki Furoshiki was presented. A pennant and a book were presented to Dr. Ebinuma by the planting site.

Then, they moved to the planting site led by the members of L’ASSOCIAZIONE  DEGLI  ALPINI.

The planting took place after the school’s teacher offered a few words.

Lastly, the upper-grade students sang the song “We are the World” in English to finish off the ceremony.


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