Planned Environment Therapy Trust Planting Ceremony
(Toddington, UK)

The Planned Environment Therapy Trust is an enterprise which supports children and adults who have emotional and psychological wounds.

Mr. Jonathan Adamson, who applied for the planting at the Tower House in Edgerton Cemetery, took the  initiative in the planting at the Planned Environment Therapy Trust.

With the help of Mr. Bruce Allan (applicant for the planting at Nature in Art, UK in 2002), Mr. Adamson set up a small table top exhibition for the day to provide information about kaki tree.

Children from Willersey Primary School attended the tree-planting ceremony, and their paintings and poems that they made beforehand were displayed on the wall of the PETT.

The participants went out to the garden and gathered around the planting site. Mr. Adamson first made a short speech. Mr. Allan also gave a brief talk on the Project. Then, pairs of children took turns putting soil over the tree – the sapling from the bombed kaki tree.

They moved inside the building afterwards, and the children did the music and dance workshop.

At the end, the children sang a song, which they did it beautifully and other participants all joined in.

During the lunch time, Mr. Ernie Thomas played barrel organ for the children.


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