Park Sarah Planting Ceremony
(Riace, Reggio Calabria, Italy)

Ms. Tiziana Volta has initiated a number of plantings, including at Ristorante “Castello Malvezzi” in Giuseppe, Brescia, Italy (21 February 2009), Scuola secondaria di primo grado Giosue Carducci in L’Aquila, Italy (2 April 2011), as well as three plantings in 2012 at Parco San Giovanni in Trieste (14 April), Conservatorio Botanico della Valle D’Itria in Brindisi, Italy (24 April), and the Garden of Peace and Hope for Kabul at the ”Kabul National Gallery” in Kabul, Afghanistan (9 June). She was looking for the appropriate planting sites for the tree of peace with conditions of “bringing peace or contributing to plant diversity,” and has yet again found the suitable places. This year she has chosen three sites, namely, Lorusso and Cutugno Prison in Torino,  Amphitheater of the Peace in Venaus and Park Sarah in Riace.

Sarah Park is an appropriate place for the story of the ancient Greek bronzes (now these are known as Riace Bronzes) found in 1972. In 1999, the Association ‘Citttà Futura’ was founded and then the establishment of four other associations, namely, Lampedusa, Il Girasole, Real Riace, and Riace Accoglie followed in the southern part. With the foundation of the association, the immigrants program was born. It is nowadays the best-known model for the immigrant integration program. Domenico Lucano, the mayor who has been in office since 2004, was awarded third place in the 2010 World Mayor Prize for his endeavor in helping immigrants. Now, approximately 150 immigrants have been accepted by local inhabitants, found jobs with the support of the local authorities, and contributed to the economy of the suburbs. One of the innovative approaches following the local traditions is diversified harvesting using donkeys.

Mayor Lucano has always been wanting Sarah Park, dedicated to the bearer of water, to be the place to plant a tree for each new Riace citizen regardless of race. The kaki tree from Nagasaki was also planted in the park as a symbol of hope towards dignity of life.


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